Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood
Since the dawn of Pentagon, the five-sides ones achieve full adulthood by driving the famed 'Most Dangerous Road in the World'. Today, destiny calls out to our bored protagonist Pent to fullfill this Herculean task.
Explore a big world of unyielding nonsense that simply refuses to take itself seriously at any point. Earn money by completing wild races, taking pictures of strange phenomena (and appease the Government) or by just finding it on the ground in some ditch. There are also some puzzles, I suppose.
- WASD / Arrow keys: Stumble about the place
- AD / Left, right (in car): Rotate
- W / Up (in car): GOGOGO
- S / Down (in car): STOPPPPPPP
- Z / J: Interact
- X / K: Cancel & very cool ability you'll unlock later, trust me bro
- C / L: Awesome ability you'll unlock very early and will blow your mind
- P / Esc: Pauseth it liketh thou meaneth it
- I: Directly open inventory
- T: Immediately open photo tasks
- N: Promptly open map
- H (in car): Toggle hitbox visual
- M: Mute all of the sound
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I feel like I'm being trolled, or I'm just missing something really obvious, as I've never even managed to find the key to the car. It's my weakest start to a game ever. I can usually at least solve the first puzzle/level lol Still the game has a certain... something to it. Charm might be the right word.
It is required to play the crane game (north exit) and to solve the pentagon puzzle (south exit) to get the key to the car.
Thanks. I had thought a while back that the crane game might have been what I was missing - but for some reason every time I tried talking to the cow, he always just told me to let him know when I wanted to play, so I thought maybe I didn't have enough money.
I can't remember if I ever actually tried speaking to him twice in a row until just now when you reminded me of it.
I can tell I'm going to be facepalming a lot playing this if that's how I started lol
Well, i've finally found the Ultimate Secret. It was very worth it, i am incapable of believing how unbelievable it is.
Why isnt cursed travels sunken city available in Germany?
What do you mean? The game's not out yet, so it's no available to anyone.
Or is the entire Steam page not showing at all?
Oh ok
Every once in a while I check whether the game has been released, but this time I got a screen saying "oops! this is not available in your region" I then found a different website that shows info about the steam game (https://steamdb.info/app/1498070/), and it said that it was not available in germany.
Idk why it says its blocked, a few weeks ago I could still see it on steam. Now I cant search for it in the app and I get that error message when I search for it on google.
Huh, strange. I'll try to see if something's up or if Steam/Steamdb is just being weird somehow.
Thank you!
EDIT: Germany's the one being strange, as usual. Apparently, from what I can find, they've added more restrictions since Nov 15 to age ratings and games not yet rated are not shown. Seems easy to fix, will do soon!
Thank you🙏
I cant wait to play this when its released.
I enjoyed this game a lot, well done! Also the way your character looked like was so funny😂
Colorblind friendly graffiti:
Ah, you're right. The photograph should be colorblind friendly, but you need to know that the graffiti is there and take the picture in the first of course. I might try consulting people with colorblindness a bit more for future projects.
I did take the photo but glossed over it really fast. By that point I was pretty confident that the photos were all self-contained challenges for cash, but I was wrong. I can't read graffiti IRL either so I assumed it was just random squiggles.
The ultimate secret, is not only ultimate, not only secret, but just about brought me to tears. I will never be the same after witnessing such a provoking and awesome secret. Truly magnificent.
It is the most wondrous things I have ever set eyes on. One cannot begin to comprehend the majesty of this beauty of nature.
I cant seem to find the evil cloud from the second photo group. Nor do i seem to have a horn that other people keep talking about.
Got the horn, i did not know you could circle the numbered monoliths for far too long
Now im stuck trying to find the red bird, sewer graffiti, the evil cloud and the note about the highest skyscraper. i would think its not directly referring to an actual skyscraper but simply any building right?
Edit: still cant find anything and make progress. ive talked to every npc, walked behind every building i can (walked behind the 2 tall lampposts too). I cant find anything.
Yes, i have completed every other game made by ferociter, and their secret endings. I have no idea why this game is causing me great confusion though, its immensely more frustrating than any other game made by this guy. Either way, I require help.
The red bird involves talking to a certain NPC within Central Park 3 times.
Say, wheres the cloud of despair? Ive beaten the game normally at this point, and i have the triangle gem. But i cant for the life of my find this cloud.
i am going to lose it
The cat that serves as a gate for the second part of Secondfield lets loose one when you doot at it.
WOAH, the ultimate secret is actually bodacious and was actually worth collecting everything. You've done it yet again, Casper.
The hitboxes have been evading me for 30 whole minutes...
oh nvm. I'm stupid.
Found it.
I finally realized that the solution is not to walk in circles around the pillar. That is NOT what the symbols mean. My advice: don't spend an insufferable amount of time trying.
was it your goal to make the most frustrating game ever?
Just finished the game and reached the Ultimate Secret. It was... okay. I would say it's a little easier than some of your other games, but still had some pretty frustrating sections.
In terms of mechanics, the driving felt a bit sluggish, especially when driving off road, which made the driving sections feel more like a chore than an enjoyable challenge. If you decide to expand the game maybe you could find a way to make the driving feel more fluid without making it too twitchy.
The humor/story elements drew me in at first, but wore thin later in the game. It felt like there was a missed opportunity to develop the setting more or tell an interesting story, without that it felt flat.
I was reminded a lot of EarthBound with the numerically-named cities and satirical tone, was that an intentional homage?
Some ideas were scrapped during development because the game was getting too large for what it is. Thirdington was originally going to be the fourth city and be named Fourside.
If that would've been a bit too much on the nose is up for debate.
I am considering making more with this, the sizeable amount of feedback would then of course be incorporated, starting with the driving. This won't be in the near future, if at all.
Thanks for playing!
it's great to know there are more Earthbound fans out there lmao
so i'm missing something in Thirdington, anyone have any idea
I'm at 78% in Thirdington, 100% everywhere else
I unlocked the gate at the secret ladder in the starting area and I have both the cube and sphere, and I need 20 more euros for final key
I feel like i could be missing something from surfing because i cant get to the passage in the back
For the money, look around for fake walls in the sewer.
For the outer surfing lane, the entrance is behind a rock. You have to surf to it.
Tysm, i not have the ruby key and all three gems but I don't know where to use them (i'm assuming it has something to do with the inaccesible cave i unlocked a door to with the Home secret ladder). I really need some help on this last bit, so please tell me what to do if you know.
You're on the right track, the entrance to that cave can be found in the lower part of the home area.
the fries are absolute bs
im on that right now. honestly shoot me
I just started the game and i'm loving it so far, but i really need help T-T
I can't find the vermillion key. I feel like i've checked everywhere and i keep going back and forth but i just can't find it. Can anybody tell me where it is or give me a hint?
You buy all the red color variant keys from the character with the yellow key on his head. You need enough money to buy it though.
Thanks! I can't believe i didn't realise that lol. Do you maybe also know how to finish the 5 stage quest with those letters? For the final hint it tells me to 'let those which are circled flow' or something, and i thought it might have something to do with the circles of the inventory and the sinks throughout the last town, but it doesn't do anything
The sinks are related to the graffiti found in the sewers. The sinks with circle need to be on & the ones with a slash need to be off and then that will open the secret area in the park.
i wanna 100% the game need some guide:
- how do i complete "a true free spirit"? (last photo mission left)
- what am i supposed to do in the buisiness building?
- what am i supposed to do in the building with guy in the toilet?
- what am i supposed to do in the burning building and the cat building?
- In Firstville i'm stuck on 75% idk what else to do?
- the road between Firstville and Seconfield i'm on 83% am i supposed to do anything with the muscular cactus guy cause i can't do anything with it
- what am i supposed to do with the smoking fish bear?
The free spirit photo is the cat with sunglasses inside one of the buildings in Thirdville.
Where are the photos for the planet Uranus & the 70% angry totem? Those are the only photo missions I have left.
The only thing buildings in Thirdville are really for bedsides a few photo is the sinks that are part of this 5 stage quest that gives you $250 which starts down by the police officer at the docks.
In Firstville did you try following the red carpet from the place you get the camera all the way to the other end? You know you’ve reached the end when you see 2 characters messing with it and a red orb collectible in the same room.
I think the muscular cactus is just for decoration.
The smoking fish bear is likely just a checkpoint similar to the one in totem bowling area.
the planet uranus is before the roundabout where there's like a honking sign and there are rocks in a circle, just get in the middle of the rocks and keep honking. to find the angry totem go left the muscular cactus and you'll see the totems trowing bowling balls, just keep honking till he gets angry
Thanks! I really appreciate the help.
That’s not the end of the carpet. It continues going to the left some more but you have to go back out of this little section to keep following it some more.
You’re welcome. Unfortunately, no I don’t know what you’re missing. Maybe it’s a race or a secret money bag.
frankly i dont mind the bad controls or the weird hitbox or even the crime that was the bouncy maze... but those fucking fries were so horrible its not even funny im going to strangle something
very fun game (at least what I experienced), but I do not have the arrow key skills to get through it lol
i was so surprised when I realized this game was made by ferociter i literally adore all their games im so glad they made another one
Still looking for the cave of the smoking one. Wracking my brain and still can't remember where that might be... Anyone know what that might be?
SUMOKAH SAMAAAAA is hidden somewhere in the roundabout. Look for a stray trail in the wet.
Ah, I can't believe I forgot about him! Thanks a bunch!
Glad to say, this is the first of his games that I manage to finish without assistance. Now, to 100% I could use some help. I'm at 92% in route 3, and quite honestly I'm stumped. I have done all photo tasks, so this must be a money sack waiting somewhere. Any clues as to where it might be? I believe I found all the obvious ones (including the ones inside the bouncy maze)
Just in case, check the bouncy maze again, it might have respawned accidentally.
That was it, thank you very much! Is this a known bug or something? I distinctly remember grabbing it when I first did the maze...
By the looks of it, it happened to a lot of people, including me.
need some help to 100% it, what am i missing on read 2?
Off the top of my head, there's:
-The cave near the bowling totems
-A very annoying time trial
-Some boosting arrows
Does any of these sound unfamiliar?
I have found the other 2 you have mentioned.
[EDIT] It was the time trial *facepalm*.
I had a clear memory of me completing it, but turns out it was totally fake. XD
I think the arrows I'm referring to are earlier in the route. Or perhaps I'm getting my routes mixed up. In any case, I did find a guy that did a 100% playthrough on YouTube, if you're desperate you should turn to tsuneko / catlover_mimi Ch
Thanks, man. Watching that play-through forced me to check the other options for the 1000th time and I have finally resolved my issue (it was the time trial).
Holy crap the game gets evil at the last part ... don't want to spoil it too much but it involves fries. Infuriating.
Can't believe there was no ketchup on them :(
"Allee manneke" lmao
Does anyone know how to get into that narrow surf lane at the harbour?
Hidden behind rocks, but not too hidden.
Pauseth it liketh thou meaneth it LMAO
This is a fun game, especially since I like this kind of random humor. I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone do a 100% walkthrough or speedrun of it yet.
Yeah, Casper definitely deserves more recognition.
Small bug: When the car goes diagonally some weird stuff happens with the speed meter.
Okay so I'm pretty sure I 100%'d the game but something feels off for me. I got the final beautiful secret but it feels like there's still more to explore. For example, the empty slot for a possible 6th key? The nearly empty right side and left side of the inventory? Leftover euros? The one stray boost pad at the top left of the key-gate? Maybe it's just slightly rough, considering this is a huge game compared to the rest of his works, but maybe it's just all in my head. Nonetheless, this game is amazing with small details and clues to help you with some secrets.
(Edit: Nevermind it says I got 100% on the splash screen)
Can you give me a hint on the beautiful secrets that I might've missed after the endgame?
Are they related to the hidden surf corridor or the ruins beneath the home? Or the chickens perhaps? I'm also missing the broken egg photo.
Okay, broken egg, bump into the tree with the egg in the roundabout section and keep following the egg until it breaks. For the beautiful endgame secret, look for a hidden wall at the top right corner of the map. It should look different than the rest of the wall. If you need additional help, let me know!
need help finding the hidden wall, i've got the last key don't know where to use it
Small bug, but in the bouncy maze, if you hold the brake as you're leaving the gate, then go back in, you can complete the maze without going forward automatically. However, if you want to collect the speed trial, you're going to need the speed boost. The maze was actually easy once I got the hang of it.
(Also a funny easter egg I found was standing in front of the TV while Dad was watching it) :)
I used this glitch to get the cash bag on the right side after the speed trial, and honestly I honestly think that bag would be impossible without it. The speed trial is bad enough but the right-side gap is way too small to aim at while going full speed.
It's all good! Other than the Cursed Travels, Casper's games can be brutally difficult, although doable.
I'm well familiar with Casper's games; I've 100%ed every single one of them, and I currently hold the speedrun world record on Tower of the Scorched Sea and third place on Cataractae's secret ending. Pent's Road Trip is something else though, and it's not helped by the art style making it basically impossible to guess where the hitbox is.
I did come back after complaining yesterday and almost 100%ed this one today, I just haven't managed to make it past the final challenge after the three secret stones yet. It is possible to learn the controls well enough to "git gud" at it, I just find it considerably less player-friendly than his other games and that makes it unfun for me to get to that point.
I respect Casper's work enough to want to give this one a fair shake but it's probably the only one of his games I will never want to replay again.
At least this is a fair review, whereas your previous post felt more like a rant, an understandable one, but a rant regardless ;-)
Fair enough, I was pretty frustrated at the time and was probably rantier than I should have been. In my defense the game seems designed to frustrate the player as part of the joke (one of the things I don't like about it) so I feel like that response is justified. But I should have been more measured in my critiques.
I will say it does seem like this game is getting universal support from everyone else, so I guess it's just me that it rubs the wrong way.
100% all of them? Even the nested secrets in Lost in Lampyrid Fog?
Unless he finally added additional wings to the secret bullet hell temple ending, yeah, I'm pretty sure I did everything in Lampyrid Fog.
Also since I posted that comment I also finished 100%ing this game too. The "ultimate secret" was...pretty much what I expected, given the rest of the game, tbh.
I have collected the cash bag on the right with the permanent speed boost (twice in fact, there was a bug where it respawned [patched now]) so it is possible, just extremely difficult.
Yeah, I also was confused when it respawned.
I don't understand who this game is for. It seems redundant for me to complain about the awful controls, the unintuitive hitbox, or the "lolrandom" style of humor that's two decades past its peak, because it's obvious those are all intentional design choices. The game is clearly bad on purpose. I just don't know why. You're obviously so capable of making good games, why deliberately make a bad one? It's not mean enough to be a troll game, and it's not pointed enough to be parody. It's just...miserable to look at and miserable to play.
Maybe it's just going over my head, but if there's a payoff to any of this I haven't seen it. And if it's on the other side of that bouncy maze then I'm never going to see it.
There's a shortcut that let's you skip lol, also, that's ferociter for you.
the game was made for me :)
It's perfectly ok if you lack the sense of humor, the patience and/or the skill to get through this game and I admit, it's immensely frustrating in some parts, but writing this long post just to express this seems a bit excessive to me.
Ferociter always makes solid games. Arguably this one has a completely different style, but the gameplay is impeccable as always. It's all about training yourself to get used to the controls and the 'unintuitive' hitbox, as you call it.
I love the lolrandom humor, I think it gives the game personality. I agree that it can be brutally difficult sometimes, but that's the challenge for me. I see all these points, but I don't think it's bad on purpose.
And done! Definitely worth the effort to 100%.
Would have been handy to have a different button to bring up the photos rather than having to go into the pause menu every time but was minor annoyance.
Could do with a hit box projection for the car like in Lampyrid but not sure if that would remove a lot of the challenge.
Really enjoyed exploring the world and solving the puzzles.
I've put your suggestions in the latest update, including the hit box visual.
Thanks for playing!
Wow, thanks! That hit box is much smaller than I thought it was! Also love the completion % on the map, though I thought I was at 100% but am only at 92% on the roundabout area and completely stumped on what I'm missing
The Secret was so beautiful, it made my eyes tear.
Loving it so far, though the memory of the bouncy maze has been replaced with kittens. I've found both the creator and what I assume is their home country, but really struggling to see how I can enter the sewers - anyone got any hints?
Solved through the power of posting, if anyone else needs a hint:
Lbh arrq gb purpx lbhe vairagbel!
It's often infuriating to try and track down all sources of leftover euros - can you add some sort of tracker for all sources of euros left?
bouncy maze took my will to live away
And if that didn't take your will to live away, the endgame might ;-)
oh it did dont worry
(100% now btw)
Casper you've gone mad, ....I love it!
Loving this so far! Some driving sections are definitely hard, but there’s a charm to it where I don’t mind the (intentional) jankiness at times.
Spoilers below, don’t read unless you’ve seen pirates*
I’m sitting at $500 right now, with one photo task to go. After revisiting the entire map a few times, I’m all ears for a hint that will get me past this (literal crimson) wall. I have a few leads:
On the lookout for the mermaid. I suspect she’s somewhere around thirdington but no luck so far
There’s a mysterious ladder directly south-ish of the claw machine at the beginning.
I’ve turned on the sinks according to the graffiti but nothing happened. I’ve tried both (O = off, / = on) and (O = on, / = off)
It seems like the $570 price for the crimson key leaves no wiggle room for skipping a coin bag. I’ve hopefully gotten them all, but we’ll see…
The mermaid is above the bridge leading up to where you first entered Thirdington
For the sinks: Lbh arrq gb tb gb Prageny Cnex nsgre frggvat gurz nyy pbeerpgyl 0 = ba / = bss va nyy ohvyqvatf
To get to the ladder explore the top right area of the map and mess around with the walls a bit.
Great work as always, but I've got to say, the car sections are not fun. Outside them, I'm enjoying the game though. Keep it up!
What finally did me in — and I made it past the video gaming war crime that was the bouncy maze — was the pirate bridge. If this was one pain point, I might have persisted, but it was the accumulation of them.
I've played pretty much everything you've released, and they're often outstanding in terms of design. There are some decisions on this one that I just don't entirely understand.. If there are sections that are going to pile up attempts (eg the surfing, the checkpoint races, the booster slaloms, etc) it's super irritating to have a multi-second flying saucer interlude and then get placed quite far away and, in the car sections, to have my car almost always pointed in the wrong direction as if it's going to drive off screen.
Maybe it's just not for me, but I'll still look forward to the next one :)
Whoops, forcing the car downwards always after a crash was a mistake I missed, but that's fixed now. I've also sped up Ufo the IFO significantly with the latest update. I'm considering adding more (i.e. any) checkpoints for the surfing, perhaps more in the car sections.
Thanks a lot for the concrete feedback! Much appreciated.
(The bouncy maze is optional if not going for 100%)
With the surfing, just change it so it spawns you right at the surfboard you last used. That helps cut out 2-3 seconds of walking time - very useful!