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Cleared the game after 1 day!

By the way seems there’re any extras?

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There's a secret island with a pretty tough bullet hell game there

oh my these are so hidden! thanks!


Very cool game. I played together with my daughter, on different computers, helping each other. Walkthrough:

Superb game. Nice puzzles with thoughtful solutions that required revisiting islands. Reminds me of Monkey Island without the puns. A few places where the clues required a lot of guesswork, but felt they were fair in retrospect. The tree cutting puzzle was probably the hardest. My guess is the game might be harder for non-native English speakers?

Fun fact: species in the True Firefly family (Lampyridae) are called lampyrids, though other insect families also contain "glowworms" (bioluminescent larvae)

yes, that's how you know it's related to firefly forest

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just beat it, another great game! I wonder what all these secrets do (found 2 so far)

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I can't believe that clue is it.


Great game! I managed to beat it ^^

Love the clues, so satisfying when you get it right :)

love it so far! im stuck on the "go opposite of those who live on these" clue. i know it has something to do with the gulls that are on top of the buoys but ive tried going opposite to the directions they fly in and there's just too many of them. help!

woah nevermind i got it

I can't figure it out. I found a buoy with no seagull on it but that's about it

never mind I figured it out. If I had a nickel for every time someone asked for help with this clue before figuring it out without the help, I would have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. 

curse you, perry the platypus!!!

something about it just clicks right when you think you're all out of ideas!

3 now

Please help! I can't figure it out.

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vague hint below:

the clue is not "go opposite of those who live on top of buoys."

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It is a buoy in the clue thought right?

Edit: Got it

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