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Best. Fishing. Game. Ever.

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Let any fish Who meets my gaze
Learn the true meaning of fear
For I am the harbringer of death
The bane of creatures subaqueous
My rod is true and unwavering
As I cast into the aquatic abyss
A man, scorned by this uncaring earth
Finds solace in the sea
My only friend
The worm upon my hook
Wriggling, writhing
Struggling to surmount
The mortal pointlessness
That permeates this barren world
I am alone
I am empty
And yet
I fish


There's a hat with that on it

thats deep!


hm what. hum cool.

This was so fun, I loved the big twist and the timing mechanics, great game!

this is really random lol but I really love ur pfp slayyy <3

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Let's play a round of "Is this actually a simple demo with a generic name or a psychological horror game disguised as a demo with a simple name?"

yo the first time i played this i thought it was a normal game, i had no idea it was a horror game lmao


guys i have no idea if this is a horror game

Did NOT expect that...


Gave it a Let's Play ;0 



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Such a relaxing little game, everyday after school i like to play this game while getting a cold beer, you know what they say right?
Gotta catch them all!

Deleted 1 year ago



Ich hoffe du fällst die treppe runter du elender hurensohn ich war fast durch aber dann so mistgeburten fisch kommt und fickt mich an so einer behinderten stelle ich ficke deine mutter bis sie mich liebt du hurensohn ich hoffe einfach nur das dir was schlimmes passiert du schwuler möchtegern spielemacher. Lg


The REAL question everyone is making in their minds but cant ask: is there any secret room or ending in this one?


Average day in Ohio


as relaxing as advertised, very good generic game with no supersizes or terrifying fish.




Deeply distressing *thumbs up*

you said there was only three fish but you missed one or 5  close enough nevertheless fun game reminds me of that time with my dad   when I went to ohio fishing

Catfish, rainbow trout, bass, carp(?)


normal day in ohio 

spoiler warning but what happened to relaxing


got the weird fish that aint in encyclopedia first try


Reminds me of saturday mornings fishing with my grandpa, thank you for bringing back some fun memories! 😊


The 'largest caught' section in the fishing enciclopaedia doesn't track the largest fish you caught, it only tracks the most recent one of that type. Apart from that, a very relaxing and enjoyable experience! I am yet to find the secret fish. (There has to be a secret fish... right)


Ah, you were right, it oftentimes overwrote the largest size without it being the actual largest. Fixed it!
Thanks for playing; glad it was relaxing as intended.

In need of a spoiler? ;-)

If its about the secret fish, then yes

Haha, sorry, can't give any real hints, other than that I cast my line the furthest away. But I just caught some sort of secret fish on my first play, I think, although it seemed to be part of the game. and more of an indicator of what is to come. 

Can post a screenshot of it if you'd like.

Nah, i think i know what you're talking about.

(1 edit) (+1)(-12)

Requires third party cookies enabled = not going to play. Hope it'll turn up at a site where it doesn't have that requirement (like Cursed Travels: A Forgotten Seal had the requirement here, but not on ArmorGames).

Any sane site with user content would instaban such a requirement.

wdym no third party cookies for m


I have third-party cookies disabled, which also disallows cross-domain localStorage support. But that means I get something along "cannot save, you need to allow access" (can't see the message right now. At work. Not sure they'd appreciate me firing up a game ;)).

That would be fine if I could actually continue with saving disabled, but there is no such option.


To the few people who cares about privacy: Once again it only seems to be an issue on Itch, on other gaming pages it doesn't happen. @Ferociter, are you deploying in a different way here?


Thank you for a good game :) Unpredictable, simple and fun. Really liked the humour and the story :D

is the carp magic?


Great relaxing game, and even learnt about some new fish!


I really enjoyed this game ^^ It's very well made and a good way to relax for halloween! (The reaction of the fisherman at the end is hylarious! XD


Nice relaxing game that's a change of pace from your usual stuff. Had fun collecting all of the encyclopedia! Not sure why you released on Halloween though.

(2 edits)

Very nice game! I just beat it, and have to say that it was a very nice departure from the recent Cursed Travels horror-puzzle series. My only issue is that sometimes, when I miss, it detects two missed inputs instead of only one. Other than that, wonderful little game you made here.

I also love the "New Game+-esque" Endless Mode feature after you catch all of the fish. It's relaxing to just fish and see how big of fish you can catch.

My highest was a 35.80cm Rainbow Trout. What's anyone else's biggest catch?

Nice fishing game! I like the art style, very simple but with high quality depictions of the fish. Hard to beat some good relaxing fishing!


Your games have been dipping further and further into the horror genre recently. It was nice to have something so wholesome for a change!


Ferociter with a fishing game?! Count me in! Great game, as always. 


This game was really relaxing. I'm pretty sure I caught most of the varieties of fish!


nice fishing game with a large variety of things to catch

With the fantastic nature I can  have a enjoyable fishing experience.(Pressing space repeatedly is a bit hard for me)


"What a nice and relaxing Fishing game i can enjoy, i hope nothing disturbing happen while i play this game"

(1 edit) (+1)

This comment is funny because it made me think that it was going to be horror, so I went in thinking that, but was caught off-guard by how simple and wholesome it was.

and then...

And then I had a wonderful time with this peaceful fishing game? I don't understand the ellipses at the end of your comment.


Thank you for the nice distraction! You've managed to capture the experience of fishing — and the possible risks associated with it —wonderfully!


Such a relaxing game! Short, but fantastic! 

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