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found this from pressing the random button on coolmathgames, definetly one of the greatest random events to occur this year so far

In my opinion, your games are the most high-quality, amazingly fun games on the internet. My favourites are Tower of the Scorched Sea, Temple of the Four Serpents, and Amidst the Sky, but all your games are so, so great. I am sad now, because I have played most of your games, and I am afraid I will not be able to find other games as good as yours once I am done. Anyway, thanks for making them! You have a very good understanding of how to make the perfect game!


I got to the secret room. Hint: it's on one of the pathways on the bottom floor. I don't trust it saying there's nothing else to do here....


I get the feeling Generic Fishing Game (it was even more relaxing than advertised) and my shenanigans in Lampyrid Fog have caused some trust issues with my audience. And it's very entertaining.

For real though, that's all the secrets in Scorched Sea.

great game! Has a fireboy and watergirl vibe lol

I played and completed this game on June 4th 2021, 2 days after it released and wanted to leave this comment giving my thoughts on it because this game is one of my favorites Ferociter has made so far. (My thoughts on the game are below the video in the comment) I even uploaded a video of me completing the game to my YouTube channel:

I definitely enjoyed this game, Tower of the Scorched Sea, a lot more than the Temple of the 4 Serpents mostly because I was actually able to beat this one although it took me about 3 hours to do so. I definitely think the most annoying part in the whole game is the timing puzzle with the 5 pressure plates in the section that introduces the blue light. I really like the uniqueness of the sun boss fight and the victory cut scene. The boss fight took me a few tries to get the right volley of attacks but didn’t take me nearly as long as the hard puzzles in the blue light section. I definitely give this game at 10 out of 10 overall.

Very fun game, and fun puzzles

somehow i managed to get soflocked


I played Four Serpents on Kongregate and I accidentally discovered that there is a sequel but on instead. Great game just like the first one. Will there be a third?


Hey, welcome, glad you liked it. I have the mechanics, settings and structure for multiple possible sequels on paper (digital paper, that is). Unfortunately, I doubt I'll ever have the time to actually make them.

go to the bottun

A really interesting Game.

There are A LOT of small puzzles to solve.

Good game.


Here's a glitch in the boss fight:

In that elevator laser thingy, on that block, I went on the top and jumped after the laser- storm attack. At the ending, I just ended up at the top after the boss exploded!

im stuck at this part, where the sides are locked, and there is no way to get inside of those sides i think?


(what is on the right)

You get to that later in the game, you need to go up first

(what is on the left)


Those are the exits from the next set of puzzles -- the entrances are elsewhere. For a hint, notice that the beams of light you just created below are aimed downwards. Follow them down and see what you find...

Now you need to go back down to the bottom and do the puzzles on either side there

you have to go back down :skull: follow the lasers

Eye of Fire boss fight:


When I play this game, on the boss fight, this boss will be called the "Eye of Fire".


Really fun game, great work again Casper. My only piece of constructive criticism is that there wasn't enough indication that the laser needed to break the cinder blocks to defeat the boss? Maybe it was intuitive for some players but I kept leading the laser to the edges of the platform and ended up playing that boss battle for a good 10 minutes at least, zoned out and everything! I think I spent more time on that level than the whole game up to that point lmao. Either way, good game, can't wait to see what you make next :)


Ngl I think you're just retarded bud. You've been following the beam of light all the way up and you can see it under the platform even.

Well, as asomeone who played more than 1 flashgame or boss fight, it's likely more a "jsut try everything till you find something that hurts the boss" kind of thing.
and the blocks in the middle jsut looks special as in they could play a vital role

when did this happen? where is this? :O

(1 edit)

Secret room spoiler:








Found it

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow! Could I have a hint to find it?

How large of a hint do you want?

Not something that would give away the entire thing, but either how it's hidden or which area.

I'll give a hint to the area then:


that could mean many things but i guess it works there is a LOT of crouching involved in the area

Can we have a second hint?

(1 edit)

There's a block you ride to the right - wonder what would happen if you managed to get it to go left instead?

Ok thanks! I'll start looking!

Sorry about the last comment - got my lefts and rights mixed up! Sorted it now


Its okay. I ended up finding it!


Excellent game, just the right amount of difficulty and nostalgic charm - also managed to find the secret room!


That's the first time I think that anyone has claimed they found the secret room. I had almost given up hope. Well done!


Thanks! It was your comment on the latest Cursed Travels game that made me go searching for it (another excellent game as well) - now wondering if it's worth going through the Temple of the 4 Serpents for one...

(1 edit) (+1)

I love the difficulty curve, it makes finishing the game really satisfying. All-around great job. The addition of the restart key was much appreciated. 

Please keep making these!

Thank goodness you fixed that strange bug. Although maybe you should have a one-hit-KO "hard mode" setting.


Nice to see your game is being received quite positively on AG as well!

died in the first room (for the LOLs) but actually got stuck, i couldn't respawn at all xD

i liked the first opus; and this second seems promising; so i trust the developper it will be quickly fixed :3

my bad, died later on; couldn't restart either ^c^"

Just reload the game, the game saves your progress.

i can only make a new game each time :/

Odd, guess you have to restart. It's a fun game though so it's not too bad to restart.


Pretty nice platformer. Keep it up. 5/5 stars

Kind of late to the hype train but another amazing game. Your honestly my favorite game dev out their keep it up and have a great day.


Amazing. Beating this a few times and exploring the nooks and crannies of the pyramid inspired me to replay your other games again--so much fun! I know you often add small easter eggs and secret rooms in your games. Are there any in this one? I have not been able to find one :) Thank you, Ferociter!


Thank you, there might be a secret room somewhere in this one...
Nobody has mentioned finding it yet though, so I'm starting to wonder if maybe I made a bit too secret.


I didn't even think of a secret room but based on Ferociter's reply, I'm guessing its in the outdoor section.

I tried the outdoor section and couldn't find anything 

Yeah, same. Guess I was wrong.

Must be some sort fake wall somewhere, or maybe jumping off the side or continuing up somehow will do it

I don't know, I do remember seeing some fancy symbols on the wall on my playthroughs that might have something to do with it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Another masterpiece!

My only problem: The boss's lasers are a little colorblind unfriendly. An orange outline or something would be appreciated.

Interesting, I hadn't considered that for that part. Will look into it and most likely include that in a next small optimisation/little fixes update. Thank you!


Fantastic as always! Although I do wonder if our adventurer has just broken the cycle of desert to sea by stealing the prism and making the tower unable to call the rain...

The only part that felt a little bit janky and weird was when there were the moving solid light beams (red and blue ones) and they didn't carry you so you had to run along them as they moved. The worst part was that if you jumped into an oncoming horizontal beam, the character would often briefly get vertically stuck there, and if you held toward the beam the character would get "crushed" in midair. Nothing game-breaking though, everything still felt quite playable, so I don't think you need to spend a week trying to fix it!

My favorite moment was when I was in the section with the square block you had to move past the yellow blocks using the buttons. I kept trying to move it to the right to get it through the first block, and it just kept bouncing off, and it seemed like it would have to be frame-perfect and I was getting kind of annoyed... and then I found the REAL solution. I said, "Alright Casper, you win this one... that's brilliant."


@Ferociter Hey there, glad to play another pretty game with your special style! I want to report something that's probably a bug. 

At the 3rd unlocked floor of the tower, on the far left where the player is able to get to the outside of the tower for the first time, one of the two platform generating blocks, the right one, doesn't work, as if the light pulse hitting it is too short. 

But get this: when I pause the game in-between pulses it actually generates one platform! I hope you can give some insight into this! Thanks!


Ah I assume you mean the far right. You likely have to refresh your game or perhaps clear your cache(?), as I solved this one earlier today. It works on the browsers and hardware I've tested right now.
If not let me know of course, so I can get back to panicking again.

Very nice to see some names from the old Kongregate days popping up by the way.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oops, I did mean the far right! Also, I finished the game yesterday without any other issues, so thanks for the tips! No reason to panic fix.

 I'm sticking with my good old credentials, I prefer things staying like that! Too bad Kongregate didn't go very well after flash ended, but we have to keep going, I wish you well in doing just what you want!


Really, really nice game! We are stuck when leaving the tower (for the first time?) and there is a light platform that takes you up into some knives and another platform that does not start (too low energy?). Any hints?


I'm stuck in the same place. Could it be a bug, and the second platform is supposed to get enough energy to start?  


can confirm, like yesterday both platforms still worked. something must have changed which made the right platform go wrong.


my random guess is that the right platform is created jsut like on the left, but for some reason, the right platform now moves down. so right after creation, it crashes downwards into it's builder thing

(1 edit) (+2)

Fixing a prior issue seems to have caused this new one. I'm on it.

EDIT: And it works again. Apologies for the temporary confusion.


Thanks for fixing. We completed the game now, really fun and challenging.


@Ferociter Glad you made it over to! The puzzles are good but somehow the controls of this game feel not as good as in TotFS. The keys tend to have "minor but unpredictable delays" and directions/jumps are occasionally ignored, especially when the beams are traveling.


I love this game. Thanks for creating and sharing your work! A slight issue I found, and I mean SLIGHT, is how the slower moving light trails can sometimes have big portions cut off by the "light gates"? "light doors"?... anyways. They'll get cut off and erased even after they have passed through the gates if there is still a portion that hasn't passed through yet. Either way it's practically a flawless game. I just thought that seemed like a bug. Great work!
(1 edit) (+3)

Yeah, that's not supposed to happen. Thank you for the video, I seem to be able to reproduce it more consistently now.
Fixing might take a while.

EDIT: Found the issue and it should be fixed now. Although, if it somehow still occurs, let me know of course, and I'll get right to it ASAP.

(1 edit) (+2)

This is a very good game! Can someone help me though? I don't know how to pass the part where you make 2 light platforms one higher then the other and you have to hop from one to the other multiple times. I just can't figure out the timing for the buttons.


That part was really tough... I eventually figured out that you have to jump on the left button first, then hop quickly to the right one, and then back to the left one, and jump off it quickly enough to get on the first platform. Good luck!




Still wish that there was a "Drifting Among Worlds" 2, that game was also very cool but way too short! :O


I love your games, man! They are the best! :-)


I gotta admit, this game was very long. very good game nonetheless :-)

(3 edits) (+2)

I'm stuck, please help 



Once you reach that point, you cant advance upward currently. now climb all the way down, the doors left and right at the bottom floor are open now.
for now you will basically go all the way down into the dangerous basement :-)


Thank You!!

(1 edit) (+1)

for the last section, when the thing just goes from one side of the platform to the other, is there some way to avoid that, or is it just unlucky if it comes up?


you need to jump off the platform and then back. the laser should disappear.


you gotta stand at the edge and once it is almost close enough to hit you, jump of the latform to the right or elft and midair move back. so you are a split second to the side of the platform.

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